b'9. Determine How You Will Solicit Investorscouraged to include the statutory language in their offering documents. That will constitute notice of this right. So if there is even a chance you might have a Florida investor in your offering, you must give them this notice with their subscription agreement, or in the offering documents; otherwise they can exercise this right whenever they learn of it, which could be years into your offering. Types of Broker-Dealers This section describes the different types of broker-dealers that exist in the marketplace and the services they can offer. You should consider hiring a licensed securities broker-dealer if you are uncomfortable with raising money on your own. You should also con-sider it if you now understand that the issuer exemption may not apply to repeat issuers who dont take a 12-month break between ending one offering and starting another. If you are selling securities in a state that requires you to be a broker-dealer to sell securities in their state, that would be a reason as well. That said, there are few historic regulatory en-forcement actions on this matter absent fraud or another cause of action leading to a complaint against an issuer. Selling Broker-DealersSelling broker-dealers will frequently offer to sell securities on a best efforts basis. This means the offering is placed alongside other offerings, public and private, in the broker-dealers portfolio, with no ramifications if the broker-dealer cant raise all of the money in the issuers required timeframe. A traditional broker-dealer may charge a due diligence fee to vet the issuer and the investment opportunity, which can cost nearly as much money and time as the securities registration process. They may want ex-clusive control over the raise for an issuers offering, meaning all of your sales may have to go through them and become subject to their commis-sion structure. The Dodd-Frank Act and ensuing regulations placed heightened fidu-ciary responsibilities on broker-dealers. Post Dodd-Frank, broker-dealers must ensure that investment opportunities they recommend to their cli-ents are suitable given an investors individual financial and investment circumstances. For this reason, finding a broker-dealer to market private investment opportunities may be difficult unless there is a longstanding 107'