b'10. Position Your Company to Attract InvestorsWebsiteYour website is your companys window to the world. Its the place you can showcase your management team members, your company philoso-phies, and objectives. Your pages of About Us, Who We Are, What We Do, Why We Do It tell the story of your company. If you have a Rule 506(c) or Reg A+ offering, you can also talk about your investment opportunity. You must use a password-protected area of your website to post Rule 506(b) offeringmaterialssothatthey are visible onlytopeople with whom you have established pre-existing relationships. You can post your 506(c) or Regulation A+ offerings directly on your website, but I dont recommend it unless you are using a commercial investor management system where your documents can be safeguarded from being download-ed, altered and re-posted by identity thieves. This a non-trivial concern, because I have seen it happen.Your website is also a nice vehicle to give away free information in ex-change for contact information. You will want to discuss your website ob-jectives with your web designer. Project Summary for Specified Offerings If you are raising money for a specific purpose, you will need to prepare a Project Summary that describes your specific project.For a real estate offering this may also be called a Property Summary, Property Package, Property Overview or Property Information Package. Realtors often call the version they generate an offering memorandum. The purpose of your project summary is to describe your specific invest-ment opportunity to investors. It provides relevant information about the project, including what your company is buying or developing, where it is, how you propose to generate a return, what youve done to date, your plan for the future, and who is in your management team. It should include a table for sources and uses of funds, financial projections during the peri-od of company operations, and proposed exit strategies, all in plain En-glish. This document is designed to be an exhibit to a private placement memorandum or offering circular. It will also be a standalone marketing piece for your securities offering. It doesnt replace any of the legal docu-ments required for your offering.121'