b'How to Legally Raise Private Money2.Who are the team members involved in acquisition and operation of the property, including attorneys, CPAs, other members of the issuer, property managers, and affiliates that may receive fees?3.When are cash distributions paid to investors, including the pro-posed timing and anticipated percentage returns?4.What fees and distributions will be paid to the issuer? 5.What is the anticipated duration of the investment?6.Ask for information about the property, including the type and con-dition, purchase price, financial history, proposed added value, exit strategies, and financial projections.7.What has to happen for you to get your money back?8.What are the voting rights of investors?9.What are the provisions for removal of the issuer?10.What law firm structured the offering and drafted the offering doc-uments, and is the firm experienced with securities offerings? SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE In addition to satisfying yourself with respect to all of the items listed above, you should seek advice of your own attorney, financial adviser or accountant regarding the investment. Your attorney should determine whether the offering complies with applicable securities laws. An issuer whodisregardstheapplicablelaws,orwhodrafts hisorherowndocuments,mayexposehimself/herselfandtheentireinvestmenttounnecessary civil or criminal liability. They may be unaware of itsfiduciaryobligationstoinvestors. YourCPAor financial adviser should evaluate the financial merits of the investment based on past financial statements for the property, projections provided by the issuer, and its suitability for your investment portfolio. 154'